Easter Mini Sessions are here!

Blush Photo Logo Cuyahoga Falls Photographer

Our Easter mini-sessions are here! We will host 3 custom-designed sets at the studio and cannot wait to see you all soon! Times are limited, so please reserve your spot today!

Set #1 Floral Spring

This beautiful floral backdrop is perfect for showcasing your little one’s personality. With rich colors and simple props, it is perfect to display all year! This set is perfect for families hoping to update their portraits, but are not interested in an Easter theme.

Set #2 Carrot Garland

Our simple carrot garland is great for children of all ages. This sweet and simple greenery wall is perfect for an adorable Easter portrait of your little one and fits sibling groups and older children alike. This spot is will compliment outfits with bright colors and patterns or simple Easter attire.

Set #3 Easter Kitchen

By special request, we will have our cookie-making set! This light and airy set is perfect for whole families or children on their own. While we will not use frosting with this set, children are encouraged to play with flour, rolling pins, etc.

*If you prefer that your children do not get messy or come into contact with food, please reach out to Ashley prior to the session so that she can plan alternative items for the set.

The $250 session fee includes a 20-minute appointment and includes a private gallery with print copyrights to print and share as you wish.

Important Details:

Please note that this session is for immediate family only this time! (if you are looking to include your extended family such as grandparents, cousins, etc please shoot me an email and we can book you a family session.)

Please be mindful of others and reschedule your Easter mini session if you or any family members exhibit any signs of illness.

I look forward to seeing you all soon!



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